11 Nov, 2018

The world is shifting from desktop devices to mobile engagements. While this shift is underway, your mobile phone is becoming a vital storytelling medium. It is changing the way businesses interact with their users. Keeping this in mind, companies need to make their sites mobile responsive. A responsive website is designed to fit the device it is being watched on.

How to mobile optimize your IR website?

Although there are several ways in which you can make your site better suited for a mobile device, they can be funnelled down to four significant points.

Enable visibility of images and videos

In case your site uses old coding methods your images and videos may not load on mobile phones. Similarly, if your video player is not responsive, it may be too large a size to view. So, make sure you load your site on a mobile device and see that all your visual content is present.

Make text easily readable

Responsive sites detect the medium that is accessing the content and scale the size of the page to fit it. After all, no user wants to zoom and scroll when the text should be readable. So, make sure your text size and font is optimal for readability on a mobile phone.

Optimize for interactivity

You can have small interactive buttons on a desktop screen as users use a mouse to click them. But on mobile screens these buttons need to be larger and clickable. Similarly, dropdown menus can be quite daunting to use on mobile devices. The trick is to customize them so users can scroll and select an option conveniently.

Speed up the loading time

As mobile devices load slower than desktops, even a fraction of a lag on another device means a substantial delay on a mobile. You can cut on your page load time by reducing the amount of content and compressing the images.

Mobile devices have become the medium of the hour for your on-the-go investors. It’s time your company capitalises on this shift in trend. Don’t get left behind.